Faithfulness and Love
By Wavebreakmedia

Father of Faithfulness and Love,

As I come into Your presence today, I am reminded of Your deep love and care for me. Thank You for all that You have done for me, and for always being by my side. And just as Moses sang Your praises boldly (Deuteronomy 32), I too want to sing about Your faithfulness and love today.

Father, as I reflect on Moses’ song, I am reminded of how You watch over me every day. Thank You for protecting me as an eagle protects its chicks, for keeping me as the apple of Your eye, and for lifting me up when I had no strength (Deuteronomy 32:10-12).

I also thank You for all the wonderful ways in which You take care of me (Deuteronomy 32:13,14), just as You provided for the Israelites even in the wilderness. You have always been by my side and have met my needs regardless of where I am in life.

Lord, I’m also reminded of all the promises that I am still believing for in my life. I ask that You give me the patience to wait, the strength to act, and the hope to hold on to all that You have promised. Teach me to inherit them all with an obedient heart.

However, I confess that You are my greatest and the most important blessing. Help me remember You in all that I do (Deuteronomy 32:18). Please give me the desire to seek You more and to become more like You every day.

Father I am also reminded of my shortcomings, and how I have not always been faithful to You. Help me to stay true to who You have created me to be and to reflect Your goodness and love to all those around me. I want everyone to experience Your love and kindness through my life as well.

Father, I believe that You have heard my prayer today and that You will grant the desires of my heart. Thank You once again for Your faithfulness and Love.

I ask all this in Jesus’ name,
