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Samuel Thambusamy

Samuel Thambusamy is a PhD candidate with the Oxford Center for Religion and Public Life.
Churches need to demonstrate spiritual courage and strength. As hostility toward the Christian faith grows, believers can feel like they have no control over their lives. They can be weighed down by fear, doubt, and powerlessness. Paul knew that...
This story takes us through a wide range of emotions we experience in our own faith journeys, challenging us to consider our own reactions. How do you react in the face of desperation, delays, bad news, and miraculous outcomes? Have...
Have you ever wondered what makes a friendship truly special? The book of Proverbs has an answer for you.  Here’s a list of five key qualities of friendship listed in the book of Proverbs: Reliability, Loyalty, Wisdom, Encouragement, and Accountability.  These...
In the book of Philippians, Paul introduces himself as a “doulos” of Christ Jesus. "δοῦλος" (doulos), often translated as "servant" or "slave", speaks to the heart of Christian discipleship.  In the Roman Empire, a doulos was indeed a slave, bound...
Indian-Christians actively participated in the struggle for Independence. In fact, many were close to Mahatma Gandhi, drawn by his values and leadership. Curious? Dive deeper into this story and see for yourself.👉
Mahatma Gandhi once identified 'Wealth without work' as a cardinal sin in his publication, Young India. As quick riches tempt many into scams and reckless lifestyles, delve into this article to understand wealth from a biblical perspective. Discover the profound lessons for today's world.
Did you know that living a Christian life involves much more than simply becoming more religious?  Beyond Following Amazing things happen when you choose to follow Jesus. Yes, you become a member of God’s large family and experience his love. But that’s...
The Bible is full of remarkable stories of friendship that can teach us valuable lessons on how to be a good friend to others. Explore!
Paul teaches us how to react “positively” to life’s twists and turns. But more importantly, gives us a new outlook on meaning and purpose. I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the...
The Gospels written by Matthew, Mark, and Luke bring us a beautiful and harmonious story of Jesus' life and ministry. These three gospels are often called the synoptic gospels (gk. syn means "together" and opsis means "seeing"). They share...