Home Authors Posts by Samuel Abraham. V

Samuel Abraham. V

Samuel Abraham is a contributive writer based in Bangalore.
Socio-political and religious factors have complicated the lives of even ordinary believers living in remote locations. In Africa, many believers face the brunt of intense persecution. In some Asian countries, Christians suffer abject poverty and oppression.  Persecution in the book...
Jesus is the true meaning of Christmas. He repairs our lives. Christmas will have more meaning if we accept and celebrate God's gift. Read On...
Socio-political and religious factors have complicated the lives of even ordinary believers living in rural areas. In Africa, many believers face the brunt of intense persecution. In some Asian countries, Christians suffer abject poverty and oppression.  Persecution in the book...
We live in uncertain times – in the so-called VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity). Every local Church needs to think strategically about developing local leaders. We need local leaders at different levels and all aspects of the...
Meditation techniques are increasingly popular more than ever before. People spend a lot to gain inner peace through Meditation to escape the harsh realities of life. The Global Meditation Market is expected to reach a whopping $9 Billion by...