Meditation techniques are increasingly popular more than ever before. People spend a lot to gain inner peace through Meditation to escape the harsh realities of life. The Global Meditation Market is expected to reach a whopping $9 Billion by 2027.
Do we, as Christians, meditate? Of course, we do! However, Christian Meditation is starkly different from the many available meditation techniques. From a Christian perspective, Meditation is not merely ‘the emptying of the mind’, but rather the ‘renewal of the mind’.
In Christian meditation, we read Scriptures, reflect on the meaning of the Scripture passages and discern their applicability to the various aspects of our lives.
In my recent reading of a familiar Psalm 19, I was struck by the phrase in verse 14: “May…the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord”. How can we make our Meditation – the reflection of our hearts and minds – pleasing to God? As I began to ponder upon this question, I discovered 7 applicable principles to practice Meditation and, more importantly, develop it as a spiritual habit.
Here are the 7 applicable principles
1. Recognize God as the Creator (v.1-4): God is the primary focus of Christian Meditation. Reflecting upon God’s fingerprint in all of His Creation helps us discern God’s glory, power, and wisdom. As a result, we begin to see the world around us very differently!
2. Marvel at the many aspects of Creation (v 4-6): The Psalmist marvels at the grandeur of Creation’s design, order, and complexity. God created the world effortlessly – with precision and elegance. The awesome things that we see around us are the work of His hands.
3. Focus on God’s Word (v7 – 10): The Psalmist, then, turns to God’s Word. He describes the various aspects of God’s Word, which bears His divine imprint. God’s Word brings hope, comfort and healing to our desperate situations of need and existential struggles.
4. Experience God’s inner working in your life (v11): The Psalmist recognizes the immediate spiritual value and personal benefit of the transformative work of God. Studying God’s Word can be truly edifying because we experience the Word himself. God’s Word brings light, life and love.
5. Begin personal conversations with God (v12 -13): Psalmist’s reflection on God’s World and God’s Word moves him to have personal conversations with God. Note the shift in the tone of the Psalm. It becomes a prayer to God. Prayer is a way of communing with God. These conversations help us build a loving relationship with God.
6. Identify your limitations and seek help(v 13): Psalmist’s prayer is also a personal confession. When the Psalmist recognizes his vulnerabilities, he begins to pray for God’s deliverance and spiritual safety. The promise of God’s gracious protection is there for us. And therefore, can ask God to help us overcome our inadequacies.
7. Recommit your life (v14): The Psalm ends with a Prayer of Recommitment. Every meaningful quiet time with God’s Word brings about spiritual renewal. The quiet time with God’s Word becomes an occasion to recommit our lives to God’s plans and purposes once again.
There can be no Christian Meditation without reading and reflecting on the Word of God. I have found these principles helpful. If you are keen on practising Christian Meditation and nurturing it as a habit, you will find these principles beneficial. You will be able to meaningfully spend time in Meditation and draw closer to God.
May the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts be pleasing and acceptable in God’s sight!
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