1 Kings 17:7–24 ‘I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the LORD from your mouth is the truth.’ (v24)
After Solomon died, his son Rehoboam became king, after which began the splitting of the kingdom. Rehoboam and the kings after him turned away from the true and living God as they embraced false gods, and the Lord removed His favour from them.
But God still cared for His people, and provided His words of loving correction through different leaders – the prophets.
And thus we meet Elijah, a man of God who lived during the reign of Ahab, an evil king. This prophet predicts a drought, which arrives, signifying that Yahweh is stronger than Baal, the false ‘rain god’.
Then the Lord directs Elijah to move outside of Ahab’s influence and to seek help from a foreign widow. She responds positively, but says that she and her son are also near death from starvation.

Yet her willingness to make bread for Elijah is rewarded by her supply of flour and oil not running out. Later when her son dies, and God raises him back to life through Elijah’s heartfelt prayers, she comes to understand Elijah’s God as the true God.
Reading the stories of the wayward kings and the prophets whom God raised up in their stead to speak His truth can give us perspective about God’s power and glory and the contrasting smallness of humanity.
Sometimes in our rush to embrace Jesus as our friend – which He is – we overlook the grandeur and holiness of God.
But we can foster a holy sense of wonder and awe at His nature. He delights when we worship Him for His glory and power, and He loves us unceasingly and values us so much that He sent His Son to die for our sins.
This article was originally posted as EDWJ.