
Dear God of all possibilities,

I come to you today in awe of Your wondrous ways. Your marvellous and mysterious plans never fail to surprise me. Just as You guided Philip to divine connections in his life, I pray that You would guide me to mine. I ask that You help me to trust in You even when my life seems so small and insignificant.

If You can use Philip, I believe that You can use me too. Teach me to obey Your voice and leave the rest in Your hands. Help me bring Your answer to someone’s questions, to carry Your Truth to the lost, and to bring Your hope to the weary.

Show me how to be more open and accepting of people from all walks of life. I want to be more like Philip and see beyond race, colour, or social status. May Your love for all peoples of the Earth be reflected in my thoughts and actions. 

I also know that You have a plan for my life and I ask that You give me the Faith to trust in You even when I don’t see the full picture yet. Help me to trust Your timing, because You are able to take me to the right place at the right time, just like Philip.

Reveal Your Truth to me so that I may be able to share it with others. Please help me to be ready at all times to share the Truth with others just as Philip did (Acts 8:35).

Thank You for all Your love for me and for hearing my prayer. I know that I can trust my future in Your mighty hands. Lastly, thank You for the example of Philip and for all the people like him in my life today. Your faithfulness is beyond compare. I love You.

And I ask all this in Your Holy Name,
