Barnabas Aid is excited to be supporting the translation of God’s Word into an indigenous West African language for the first ever time.
There are more than 500,000 Flame* speakers in West Africa, a minority of whom are Christian converts from Islam who until recently have not had the Scriptures in their own tongue.
Our project partners have already published the first Flame New Testament, part-funded by Barnabas, which was greeted with great joy by our brothers and sisters. With further Barnabas support they are now translating the Old Testament.

Regional chiefs have given permission for the New Testament to be used in their communities, and Flame church leaders are being trained to use the translated Scriptures with their congregations.
Many Flame Christians are illiterate, and therefore literacy classes form a vital part of the work of helping believers to engage with God’s Word.
As well as this, passages from the Flame Bible have been broadcast on radio, which is has brought great encouragement to many of these West African believers.
Having the Word of God in their own language and accessible in their homes, churches and on the radio has transformed this small Christian community.
“We listen to your radio programmes and we appreciate very much the Word of God that you have translated,” said one new believer. “It’s well done, it’s clear and it’s touching.”
“I see that when we are faithful and patient, God will accomplish for us, in the right time, wonderful things,” commented one of the translators.
Give thanks for the translation work that has already been accomplished, and ask the Lord to bless the work that is left to do. Pray that the Word of God in Flame, whether in written or audio form, will help Flame believers to grow in their faith, understanding and Christian witness.
Project reference: 00-362 (Bibles and Scriptures Fund)
* name changed for security reasons