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Kasule Jacob

Kasule Jacob (MTS) is the Founder of Galactic Foundation Ministries in Uganda and the Senior Pastor of Acacia Community Church in Uganda.
Want to make Lent more meaningful? Learn how to truly connect with God by returning to Him with all your heart. Click here to read more.
What is destroying us is unnecessary competition. God has not called us into a competition, He has called us to service. The sooner we realize and accept this truth the better witness for Christ we will be in this...
Christmas is always a big deal. It is a big deal not because everyone understands what it means or stands for. People get excited about it primarily because of the celebrations (the eats, drinks, dance parties, new clothes) that...
Waiting is one of the most difficult things we have to go through in life. This is true whether we are in an education process, waiting for the test results in a hospital, waiting for a bus on a...
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 The first thing that welcomes you when you visit the Church on Sunday morning is the...

Dangers of Hypocrisy

Kasule Jacob cautions us that hypocrisy hides the truth from people seeking it. He exhorts us to stop the pretense and be real. He gently reminds us that we need to be mindful of how we live because whether...
What is destroying us is unnecessary competition. God has not called us into a competition, He has called us to service. The sooner we realize and accept this truth the better witness for Christ we will be in this...