Home Authors Posts by Ajoy Varghese

Ajoy Varghese

Ajoy is a contributive writer based in Bangalore.
Christmas has nothing to do with Xmas - the counterfeit commercial & consumerist misappropriation of Christ. It has everything to do with the hope of the living Christ who will "shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death". Read more
Those who celebrate Christmas must look past the bells and whistles and pay attention to the Christmas story. The story of Christ's birth is a statement. That God is on the side of justice and the oppressed.  Christ's birth triggered...

A Tale of Two Women!

The comparison of two women, Hannah and Mary, who are separated by centuries and operating under different socio-political conditions reveals the similarity in their understanding of God and His work in their worlds. Embodiment of Social Inversion One of them, namely...
Forgiveness and Sacrifice are two sides of the same coin. Christ’s one sentence prayer amidst unbearable pain has been prayed by many of his followers who have suffered the most atrocities for a long time. And here is the...
Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message Malcolm Muggeridge The collapse of the vision and strategies of empire building in Afghanistan raises questions also...
Do we realise that nature does not conduct its versions of the Summer Olympics ?! Nature might be "red in tooth and claw" but it does not always prefer the fastest, the biggest or the strongest. Else, the humble...
The movie Mimi is out on Netflix. It is a light-hearted (even if superficial) take on the complexities surrounding surrogacy and adoption - making poorer and aspiring women in the country vulnerable. The story ends with a resolution that...
Can we watch anything at a Snail’s pace? Or have we lost that ability forever? With that, have we lost our ability to look deeper into the soul of what surrounds us? Being slow can be revolutionary Recording the yellow coloured...
Lack of significant welfare for migrants and stimulus for the failing economy has left the vulnerable helpless. First, we saw the knee-jerk national lockdown trigger an exodus of a couple of million hungry poor unpaid migrants across the country...

Selfie Mindset

The idea of the pure individual Self is a myth. What actually exists is the individual Self in relation to others. We snigger at the "selfie mindset" of Generation Z, but forget that so many of our contemporary culture's highest...