Matthew 2:7–12 ‘When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.’ (v10)
Despite the Magi having to stop in at Jerusalem and ask for directions to Bethlehem, they didn’t actually need that information. God was the one who ended up leading them.
They had seen the star originally when Jesus was born, charted the approximate location, and ended up in Jerusalem.
After that meeting with Herod, miraculously, that very same star appeared again: ‘the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was’ (v9).
This was an unusual, supernatural occurrence, like God guiding the Israelites in the desert. It’s almost as though God led them to Jerusalem solely so the Jewish leaders would be informed of Jesus’ arrival.
God then led them the rest of the way to worship Jesus. Their reaction to finding Jesus is wonderful: ‘overjoyed’.
The NRSV even translates it, ‘overwhelmed with joy’ (v10). The Magi then give precious gifts, treating this mewling infant as a king, worthy of their sacrifice, respect, and riches.
God doesn’t abandon them after their visit, either. This time, God uses dreams to warn them against returning to Herod and guides them back home.
The Lord always guides those who seek Him, even when it seems like God has stopped and you’ve lost the trail.
Herod had the chance to worship Jesus and didn’t take it, so it was astrologers from the East who got to encounter Him.
Whenever we feel disappointed by God or life and we’re tempted to hang back and be cynical, the Magi invite us to keep seeking Jesus, keep following God’s ways, keep worshipping the Lord, keep giving to God, and be overjoyed by Jesus.

A Prayer To Make:
‘Dear Lord, be my pillar of cloud by day and my fire by night. May I keep seeking You earnestly, all the days of my life, and be overwhelmed with joy at knowing You. Amen.’
An Action To Take:
If you’re feeling lost, ask for God’s guiding. As you travel this week, even for short journeys, meditate on the ways God has led you in the past and ask for God’s help.
Scripture To Consider:
Num. 9:15–23; Prov. 3:1–6; Acts 27:18–44; Rom. 8:1–14