Micah 6:1–8 ‘To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.’ (v8b)
There is a massive irony to the last part of this verse. Even by the time of Jesus, ‘walking humbly’ was hardly a characteristic of the people of God.
There were times when they were humbled, notably their exile from the land by the Babylonians around a century after these words, but by and large the people of God regarded their position as ‘God’s chosen people’ as a reason to look down upon the nations around that were less favoured.
They were supposed to be a model community, knowing blessing, but for the sake of the nations around, not to be proud.
And before we look down on the people in Micah’s day, as Christians we are to live for the blessing and benefit of others, following the example of Jesus who laid down His life for others and calls us to do the same.
We can have a keen sense of sadness for the sins of the world and the evil caused, and lament the awfulness of life for so many, but we fail in our task when we use our distance from such behaviour as any kind of reason for pride.
Grace won’t allow it. Not least because condescension does not sit easily with those who need our love and grace, and creates a hectoring tone that will not be a smooth vehicle for the gospel.
We enjoy the blessing of union with Christ and a wonderful status as His people, but we also recall that God rescued us and so we look with grace towards those who need God too.

A Prayer To Make:
Thank You, Lord, for all You have provided for me. I thank You for everything. Amen.
An Action To Take:
Reflect on where you are tempted to be proud and think about how God has been involved.
Scripture To Consider:
2 Chr. 7:11–18; Ps. 45:1–4; Rom. 12:1–3; Jas 4:1–6