John 17:25–26 ‘I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.’ (v26)
The New Testament has verses that we can barely comprehend, and this is one of them. The trouble is we have all been taught that if it’s too good to be true it probably is!
Ever been seduced by an advert only to be caught out by the small print? But we have tons of evidence that the Bible is 100% trustworthy, and so how likely is it that the writers and in this case, Jesus are going to mix in some lies?
He certainly doesn’t need to lie as He prays to His Father, and His good friend John who records the prayer, has no reason to make it up.
Jesus is talking to His Father and explaining that He had done His work of making Him known to His followers.
Then He says that He wants the love that God has for Him to be in us and He in us also. On a human level, think of someone who clearly deeply loves someone else: a husband who loves his wife or a parent who loves a child.
That is a very private thing. And while you might admire it, or wish that you might know it, you certainly wouldn’t imagine you can know it.
Think now of God’s love for His Son: a love that has existed in eternity past: Father, Son and Holy Spirit in divine harmony. Jesus says that the Father’s love for Him is to be known by His followers: by you and me. Mind blowing, eh?!
This is indeed why the world exists and why you and I exist. Just as a married couple seek to share their love with their offspring, so God created the universe and the peoples within it that He might share that love. We will have all of eternity to explore the riches and kindness of His grace towards us.

A Prayer To Make:
Teach me, Lord, to better know and understand Your love for me. Amen.
An Action To Take:
Write ‘God loves me’ on a sticky note somewhere where you will see it. Maybe by the front door or make the words a screensaver on your PC or laptop.
Scripture To Consider:
Ps. 36:1–12; Jer. 31:3–14; John 17:1–5; 1 John 3:1–3