2 Timothy 3:14–16 ‘But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it…’ (v14)
Those demonstrating expertise in any walk of life have a certain authority when it comes to teaching others: witness the popularity of ‘how to’ books written by experts in the field, and video training courses by master craftsmen and women.
This is no less true in spiritual life, and Paul uses it as an exhortation to Timothy to stick with the faith ‘because you know those from whom you have learned it’.
It’s not clear, but it is likely that this was his family (notably mother and grandmother – see 2 Tim. 1:5). It is a challenge to us all to be those whose lives might ‘convince’ others.
Parenthood doesn’t demand perfection, but it does demand us to exhibit growing faith and godliness and honesty over mistakes and our trust in God’s grace.
If you grew up in a family and/or a church where people exhibited such things then you are blessed indeed, and if you didn’t, well you can be the start of a new dynasty.
All of us are people with influence. The police talk of the Locard’s exchange principle: ‘every contact leaves a trace’.
The burglar leaves a piece of clothing on the fence he climbed, and a fingerprint on the door he prised open.
Your contact with others also leaves a trace – it’s either convincing or unconvincing. Timothy had some good role models – may we be those who help and don’t hinder others’ walk with God.

A Prayer To Make:
Lord, thank You for those who showed me what faith looked like and
enabled me to grow. Amen.
An Action To Take:
If your influencers are still alive, why not drop them a note/a text/a letter or an email. If they aren’t, give thanks for them.
Scripture To Consider:
Num. 13:26–33; 1 Sam. 1:21–28; Acts 6:1–7; 2 Tim 1:1–6