Psalm 80:8–19 ‘Watch over this vine… the son you have raised up for yourself.’ (vv14–15)
The Great Vine at Hampton Court Palace catches one’s attention, not least because of how big it is – it’s the oldest and largest vine in the world.
Although it was planted in 1768, it still bears fruit – about 250 to 300 kilos a year. What especially seems striking, however, is the ground around the vine.
It’s rich, black and seemingly filled with nutrients – and barren. The gardeners don’t allow any weeds or other plants to grow there, as these plants would leech nourishment from the vine.
In the Old Testament, Israel is often likened to a vineyard, which is a theme we’ll explore in Isaiah as well.
But in the psalm we’re examining today, we see an abundance of imagery along with a foreshadowing of Jesus – the ‘son of man you have raised up for yourself’ (v17).
How beautiful that the psalmist was given this revelation. After all, Jesus in His last discussion with His disciples talks about being the true vine and them being the branches (see John 15). Britain may have a Great Vine, but Jesus is the Greatest Vine ever.
Are weeds or plants competing for nutrients in your soil, keeping you from being rooted in the Vine?
Perhaps you could take some time today to consider abiding in Jesus, asking Him to ensure you receive the nourishment you need. May we stay connected to our Source, that we might bear fruit that lasts.

A Prayer To Make:
‘Lord Jesus, You are the vine and we are the branches. We know that apart from You we can do nothing. Lead us and fill us with Your loving presence this day. Amen.’
An Action To Take:
If you’re able to do some weeding in a garden, do so mindfully and prayerfully. If not, ponder a photo of the Great Vine.
Scripture To Consider:
Isa. 5:1–7; Zech. 3:6–10; Matt. 21:33–40; John 15:1–8