1 Kings 8:1–21 ‘Then Solomon said, “The LORD has said that he would dwell in a dark cloud…”’ (v12)
Christians share how at times we sense God’s presence like a cloud that descends and envelops us.
Such as when praying with others and God seems to inhabit our prayers through His presence in breath-taking ways.
Or when we lift our voices and hands in worship amongst hundreds of others while marvelling at God’s palpable love and grace.
Although we may enjoy these experiences of feeling God’s tangible presence, He assures us that from the moment we receive the Holy Spirit, He is with us always – even when we do not sense His presence.
In the Old Testament, God sent His Spirit more selectively to dwell in people, such as His prophets, and in the Temple, as we see in 1 Kings 8.
After Solomon built the house of God, he arranged for a service to welcome His presence. God answered with a cloud descending in their midst, and they knew that He was with them.
In fact, ‘…the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled his temple’ (v11). That’s a mighty display of His power and presence!
We who have been given the presence of God’s Holy Spirit have unfettered access to His presence, a gift that we may take for granted.
We can embrace the wonder of spending time with God, knowing that we need no agenda but can simply enjoy being together with Him.

A Prayer To Make:
‘Father, Son and Spirit, thank You for the amazing gift of your presence. Enlarge my desire to enjoy time with You. Amen.’
An Action To Take:
Spend some time asking God to soak you in His presence; ask with expectancy and awe for God to meet with you.
Scripture To Consider:
Gen. 3:8–9; Isa. 41:8–10; Matt. 28:16–20; John 1:1–14