John 3:14–17 ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ (v16)
When it comes to this famous verse, perhaps the major misunderstanding comes with those two words ‘eternal life’.
These have typically been understood to be life after death, but in the Gospel of John it refers to the life of God experienced in the here and now which we enter into through faith in Jesus, and this is a life that will go beyond the grave.
Eternal living is for today, and by faith we can enjoy our days with God. It won’t be complete fullness of life in God until we die of course, but we can seek His goodness now to flood our every moment.

It has been said that Christianity is not so much about getting us into heaven as getting heaven into us.
Jesus would later give us a definition of ‘eternal life’ recorded in John 17:3. It is about knowing God personally.
When we have that kind of interactive relationship, it is so much more wonderful than the sense that ‘it’s all going to be OK one day’.
We can know God in the here and now. There is nothing to wait for. Doesn’t that brighten up what you have planned?

A Prayer To Make:
‘Lord, it is amazing that You promise eternal living today. Help me to live in the good of that. Amen.’
An Action To Take:
Start seeing all times of your day as ‘God time’, in addition to any set aside for the Bible and prayer.
Scripture To Consider:
Ps. 16 & 23; John 17:1–3; Col. 3:1–4