Luke 15:11–32 ‘But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ (v32)
The story of the two sons is such a powerful one. Many begin to see that the ‘DIY Christianity’ they follow is so distant from what Jesus teaches.
It is possible for us to put together a faith that is high on rules and regulations but fails to grasp the wonder of the welcome the Father gives us into His family as adopted children.
We can be like the older son as we think about our relationship to our Father God. After all, society tells us that you don’t get something for nothing, and so instinctively we presume that the Christian faith means that we have to work to gain God’s approval.
This is how many Christians seem to operate. But grace is the opposite to this. It welcomes us into the love and goodness of God without our needing to earn it.
As forgiven children we delight in our service for God and regard it as a privilege. So, the forgiven child of God may work just as hard as the one who fails to understand the grace available, but they do so with a completely different motive, and with an energy God provides.
You do not have to do anything today to make God like you. You can relax because the pressure is off. But, in the light of that wonderful fact, how would you want to respond?

A Prayer To Make:
‘Thank You, Lord, that I am in Your family and I am here to stay for ever. Amen.’
An Action To Take:
Do something today to celebrate the fact that your salvation is absolutely free.
Scripture To Consider:
Ps. 32; Dan. 9:15–19; Rom. 4:1–8; Titus 3:3–8