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1 Peter 1:3–9 ‘This inheritance is kept in heaven for you…’ (v4)

The apostle Peter is telling his readers about the inheritance that is kept for believers in heaven, that ‘can never perish, spoil or fade’ (v4).

Here, Peter encourages his readers that although we may suffer all kinds of trials and grief in this world, these troubles will prove the ‘genuineness of [our] faith’ (v7).

Although we go through all kinds of hardships here on earth, we need to keep our heavenly destination in mind.

We are pilgrims, on a journey, and this world is not our ultimate destination. Our destination is a place where there is a heavenly inheritance kept just for us, which nothing and no one can take away.

Life’s traumas can often serve to take our eyes off the One who sees us in all our extremities; we may find ourselves asking ‘why’ when suffering overtakes us or someone we love.

While we may never receive the answer to our ‘why’, we can know that this life isn’t all there is.

When difficulties threaten to overwhelm us, we need to remember that as we trust in what Jesus has done for us on the cross, to restore our relationship with God, we are empowered by His Spirit, and can call God ‘Father’ (Rom. 8:15), just as Jesus did (Mark 14:36).

So, we can come to our Father with our sorrows and fears, as well as our joys. And as we spend time with Him, we can be encouraged that even though we haven’t seen Jesus in the flesh, one day we will see Him face to face, and be welcomed into our inheritance in and with Him.


A Prayer To Make:
‘Jesus, thank You for my inheritance in You! Help me to keep my eyes fixed on You when things are hard and I don’t understand. Grow my faith more and more. Amen.’

An Action To Take:
You are a child of God! You have an inheritance! Spend some time praising God, raising Your eyes above today’s circumstances, thanking God for His wonderful gift.

Scripture To Consider:
Ps. 33:1–22 & 37:1–40; Matt. 6:19–24; Rev. 21:1–8

Micha Jazz is Director of Resources at Waverley Abbey, UK.