Then a very large group of angels from heaven joined the first angel, praising God and saying: “Give glory to God in heaven, and on earth let there be peace among the people who please God.” (Luke 2: 13, 14)
It is the time of the year that everyone gets excited and thrilled about the festivities around.
Even after coming through a difficult year, especially after the pandemic, Christmas carries the promises and good news that we find in the birth of Christ Jesus the Lord.
In the midst of warnings and anxieties surfacing about another devastating pandemic, the world has slowly begun to either get back to normal or, in some parts, has adapted to the “new normal.”
But as believers and followers of Christ Jesus, what will be our Christmas this year?
What does this season of winter, monsoon rains and year-end bring something new into our hearts? What can we do this Christmas as responsible citizens in our own societies?
Our Involvement in Christmas!
I find two fascinating and thrilling parts of a Christian’s involvement in this season of Christmas – Praising and Sharing!
A Christian, in the time of Christmas, is called to praise and to share. Praise God for what He is and to share with others about Him.
Praise God for giving us His Son, Christ Jesus the Lord, and share with the world the good news of the salvation and everlasting life that we find in Him.
Praise God for the things He has blessed us with (our family, loved ones, friends, neighbours and the Christ-centered fellowship, the ministry, the talents, the calling, the fruits of the Holy Spirit, the anointing…).
We step forward as a family, as a group of friends, as a fellowship to share the love and happiness that is found amongst us with those who are yearning for it.
Praise God for His providence and share what we have with those who are in need.
Marvellous Moment of Christ’s Birth
I want you to travel back with me to the historical and marvellous moment when the angels from heaven praised and gave glory to God in heaven, and shared the good news of the birth of Christ Jesus in this world.
The angels did these two parts of their Christ-birth celebration. The angels praised God for what He is and for the kindness He had shown to the world by giving us His “only begotten Son Jesus” who is Christ the Lord.
And, they did not fail to share the good news of Christ’s birth with those who were waiting for the Messiah.
Indeed, the good news was first shared amongst the shepherds who were watching their flocks by night, and they were watching for the Saviour who will save them from their miserable circumstances.
And that is why the records of Christ’s birth means so much to a Christian. A believer of Christ Jesus is called to do the same in this season of celebrating the birth of our Lord and Saviour.
Praise God and share the good news with your words and deeds.
The Constant Theme of Christmas!
I pray that the Lord our God will help each one of us as we continue to focus on praising God and sharing the good news of His birth in this season of Christmas.
Praise and Share are the two words that will be the constant theme of our seasons of Christmas to be witnessed in future too.
May the power and blessings of God the Father, the love and grace of Christ Jesus the Son, the fellowship and guidance of the Holy Spirit continue to be with us as we praise and share in this season of celebrating Christ’s birth.