Read Micah 5:1–15
‘But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.’ (v2)
In Micah’s time, when he was prophesying to Israel, he witnessed great devastation, including the destruction of Israel by Assyria (722BC).
Micah’s message contains themes of the Lord’s judgment (1:2–5), yet also His great faithfulness (6:8), ultimately pointing to the day He would bring One out of Bethlehem, a Messianic ruler (5:2).
Out of this small backwater, Bethlehem, would come a great Saviour. As we celebrate Christmas this year, there are many ‘small things’ that we can do, that can actually have a great impact.
Perhaps sending a card to someone, letting them know we are thinking of and praying for them. Maybe giving someone a call. So many, especially after the pandemic, crave human contact. Or maybe a simple act of kindness to a stranger or neighbour.
These things, though small to us, can be used by God to bring about great things.
Perhaps causing someone to enquire about the true purpose of celebrating Christmas, perhaps someone deciding to attend their local carol service, perhaps someone seeking Jesus, the One promised ‘from ancient times’.
Small things in God’s hands can achieve great outcomes.

‘Lord, thank You that You can take the things I offer You, that may seem small to me, and use them for Your glory and purposes. Amen.’
Think about a small thing that you can do for someone this Christmas.
1 Kings 17:7–24; Zech. 4:1–14; Matt. 13:31–35; Matt. 15:29–39