Nowadays, VUCA is the acronym used for the contemporary world: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. During these days, how can disciples live as ambassadors, light and salt?
Victorious: The people, society, nations, and the world are sitting on a volcano that could erupt at any moment. All aspects of human life are fragile and volatile. There could be environmental disasters, wars, economic disasters, riots, violence, etc.
However, those who are in Christ are more than conquerors or victors (Romans 8:37). Christians are not victims of fate or circumstances. God is not surprised by the happenings of the world; hence, believers are not afraid of changing situations.
Unshakeable: The world seems uncertain. Many are worried about the future. A pandemic like COVID-19 could derail the economy. One war could disrupt the food supply chain. Food scarcity could come upon any nation.
Disciples are not worried about tomorrow, as God is the Sovereign ruler of the future. Believers are kingdom people. They belong to a kingdom that is eternal and unshakeable (Hebrew 12:28). David states that he trusts in the Lord and waits for Him; hence, his faith will not be shaken (Psalms 62:1-2).
Christ-centered: The world seems to become more complex daily. The exponential increase in knowledge creates the need for experts to make people understand. Hence, making choices and arriving at a decision becomes a complicated process.
For God, nothing is complex, all things are simple, as He created all things from nothing. Paul writes that all were created by Lord Jesus Christ and for Him (Colossians 1:16). God has placed his people in contexts with a purpose. In a Christ-centered life, God’s will is pleasant, good, and perfect (Romans 12:2).
Anchored: Disciples are anchored in the Word of God. The Bible is the foundation for Christian life, as the Lord taught in the parable of the wise man who built his house upon the rock (Matthew 7:24–27). There is no ambiguity in the Word of God. All his commands, teachings, precepts, wills, and expectations are clear.
Disciples are not scared about the VUCA world but lead a victorious Christian life.
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Photo by Ben Hershey on Unsplash