Philippians 2:12–16
‘For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil his good purpose. Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure…’ (vv13–14)
We follow God to find purpose in life, for faith is all encompassing. Too often we have allowed what is described as the spiritual to be separated from the secular.
Yet, secular simply means the culture and society within which we live. There are worshippers of all religions and none, who help shape the world we live within.
We are not invited to withdraw and create holy ghettos of our own design in the vain hope that these in some unique way represent God’s kingdom on earth.
The cross offers the intersection of that which is above and below with that which immediately surrounds us.
We are conscious that the perfect kingdom coexists with this fallen world, fallen yet in recovery due to God’s redemptive intervention. Our life, our learning, equips us for service born of love as we discover more of God’s relevance within a dissonant world.
In Christ we carry a harmonious lyric offering life to us and to our neighbours.
God’s kingdom impetus is always symbolically to move upwards in pursuit of God’s heart and the perfection that frames eternity, whilst at the same time moving outwards into society, beyond our comfort and current understanding, to accomplish the work that God has begun within each one of us.
The Spirit works tirelessly to encourage each of us to stay focussed on God’s will ahead of any plans of our own, whilst giving birth to actions born of grace that reveal the healing hand of God throughout our cosmopolitan communities.
SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: 2 Chron. 30:1–12; Matt. 5:1–16; 1 Cor. 15:42–58; 2 Pet. 1:3–11.
AN ACTION TO TAKE: Interested in expressing God’s love through caring by connecting?
A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, help me to follow the impulse of Your Spirit in moving upwards towards Your heart, whilst moving outwards to serve Your world. Amen.’