Psalm 96: 1–6 ‘Declare his glory among the nations, his marvellous deeds among all peoples. For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods.’ (vv3–4)
My TV news watching has dropped to virtually zero. It seems most reporting is in reality opinion based on the few facts available. My prayer for this world is not improved by these opinion pieces; I have sufficient opinions of my own, often born of cynicism, political bias or grumpiness. Keeping as clear a conscience as possible and praying for God’s glory to be revealed is challenging enough. Yet, Scripture consistently encourages us to give thanks and praise in the face of some devastating global situations. This is because, regardless of the machinations of humanity, from exploiting markets to political opportunism, God remains immoveable and Lord of all.
Encouragingly, we are invited to discover a fresh song of praise every day. I have little difficulty with this. It’s not the need for something as yet unspoken, since there is nothing new under the sun (Eccl. 1:9). I use the same Orthodox liturgy daily and yet different elements break out and stir my heart and awaken my spirit to praise God every time. Reading Scripture daily, whilst the content doesn’t change, God’s word for us does. We are invited to enjoy a fresh encounter, moment by moment. Hence my annual reading plan becomes the daily source for my nurture and nourishment by God’s Spirit. Whilst news hounds interpret global events, we can confidently daily declare that everything remains in the hands of God.
SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Ps. 18:1–6; Jer. 10:6–13; Jude 1:17–25; Rev. 15:1–4.
AN ACTION TO TAKE: Do you see God behind the headlines and pray with confidence for God’s will to be established on earth?
A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, teach me to sing Your praise for You are ruler of all, and the world and everything in it is sustained by Your Word. Amen.’