Home Authors Posts by Rev. Dr. Joel Patrick

Rev. Dr. Joel Patrick

Rev. Dr. Joel Patrick is currently working as the Associate Professor in Communication at Bishop's College, Kolkata.
Let's use Lent to think about our lives and pray for our families. Are you ready to reflect and pray with us?
Children will learn everything they see their parents, guardians, teachers and other adults do. There is a need to examine how much we are influencing our children to adopt positive behaviours before we blame them for failing to meet our unrealistic expectations. Ensuring children's rights and survival must be a collective responsibility.
"Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body." Ephesians 4:25 Words are the most powerful weapons. A word is a sound or combination of sounds that...
Each one of you is an...
We need to start Living in Hope to communicate Hope. The Christian is to be seen as a "hoper," someone who is impatient and terribly dissatisfied with the current status of the world. The theology of hope advocates...
God shares in our Suffering. We do need to understand that our God is there in the midst of our suffering. He is not on the side lines or over in a corner just watching. He is there...
A pastor was asked to speak for a certain charity. After the meeting, the chairman handed him a cheque. "Oh, I couldn't take this," the pastor said humbly. "I'm just happy for the honor of being asked to...
What is “to be bold” How to understand: This word - boldness. Whenever we speak of Boldness, it is Something to do with Action. The dictionary gives the meaning of it as “showing a willingness to take risks; confident and...