By DisobeyArtPh

Work is not something to be avoided, it is a good thing. We are designed to work, to care, to produce, to create and to be fruitful.

From the beginning of time, Adam is placed in a beautiful garden where everything was as it should be.

God does not tell him to relax and do nothing, instead he asks him to work and take care of the garden (Gen. 2:15).

God Himself sets the example of work and rest by producing for six days and then resting for one day. If work is good enough for God, then it is good enough for His created ones.

Nehemiah picks up this example and devotes himself to working on the wall. Leadership and authority do not preclude him from getting his hands dirty.

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He sets the example by working, not just setting the vision and having meetings about how the wall might look when it is finished.

It had the desired effect as ‘all his men were assembled there for work’ (v16) – lined up to follow the example that had been set.

In today’s society it seems the purpose of work is only to create wealth for personal gain of property, cars, weekends away and an annual holiday, with the ultimate aim being to acquire enough material possessions that you can retire and never ‘work’ again.

That is not the biblical purpose of work, it is to steward and care, we are created to be devoted to our God-given work.


A Prayer To Make:
‘Lord, thank You for the gift of work, that we can enjoy the tasks that You have set before us. May we work as if for You, that Your name be glorified as we devote ourselves to You. Amen.’

An Action To Take:
Are you devoted to your work or do you see it as a means to an end? Consider how you use your time, energy and talents to care, produce, create or be fruitful as worship to God.

Scripture To Consider:
Gen. 2:1–15; Eccl. 3:9–13; Gal. 6:3–10; Col. 3:22–24

Micha Jazz is Director of Resources at Waverley Abbey, UK.