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And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment – Philippians 1:9

Worshipful prayer is both beautiful and powerful. Paul’s fervent prayers for the church in Philippi are beautiful and powerful beyond words.

Here is a prayer that, if said daily, has the power to change us (and our churches) for the better

Paul’s heartfelt wishes for them are made clear in his prayer. The prayer gently nudges the church towards the spiritual goals he desires for them.

Here is a prayer that, if said daily, has the power to change us (and our churches) for the better. The Apostle’s idea of prayer has a lot to teach us.

The word “I pray” (Proseuxomai) literally means “to exchange in prayer.” This is a phrase of immense spiritual significance. To pray is to “exchange human wishes for his divine will”.

Prayer is not merely talking to God. It is an “exchange”…

Prayer is not merely talking to God. It is an “exchange” where we give up “human ideas” and yield to divine persuasion. To pray is to align our will with God’s purposes. To pray to be one with God’s will.

Paul’s idea of prayer is radical. It has the potential to enrich our faith and give our prayers a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.

Ready to experience your Aha Moment

And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment - Philippians 1:9 
  1. Do you seek to be one with God’s purposes?
  2. Is it easy to yield to divine persuasion? Why?
  3. How do you seek to be one with God’s designs and purposes?
Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash
Samuel Thambusamy is a PhD candidate with the Oxford Center for Religion and Public Life.