Acts 14:19–20 ‘They stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, thinking he was dead. But after the disciples had gathered around him, he got up and went back into the city.’ (vv19b–20a)
Things are going well. God has just used you to see a lame man healed and you have had opportunity to preach the good news to non-believers.
And you are especially feeling good because you gave God the glory. But what happens next? Jews convince the crowd that these ‘would be gods’ are actually devils, and stone you and leave you for dead.
This is Paul’s experience and it’s not altogether clear where his co-worker Barnabas is at this point. Maybe as ‘Zeus’ the crowd are not as angry?
Maybe the Jews target Paul for their ire? It’s hardly a good postscript to this event, is it?! Paul is experiencing the kind of day many believers experience: ups and downs.
As we engage people with the good news, there will be opposition. Jesus had said that we are ‘blessed when we are persecuted God heals, people misunderstand, and God’s enemies do their worst.

We would be foolish to be fatalistic: ‘Things are going too well, there must be pain around the corner!’ But we must be realistic.
The world, the flesh and the devil oppose the things of God, and so we must be ever on our guard. So, things going bad may not be a sign that you are off track, but may be a sign you are doing exactly the right thing.
Take counsel from wise friends as you evaluate, but Paul reminds us that everyone who wants to live a godly life will be persecuted (2 Tim. 3:12) and so a little grief coming your way is not something to be too concerned about. Paul got back and went into the city, and you too will bounce back.

A Prayer To Make:
Lord, I do not welcome challenges, but they will come. Give me Paul’s resilience to carry on with Your work. Amen.
An Action To Take:
If things are becoming challenging, smile and look to God to bring you through.
Scripture To Consider:
Gen. 39:1–23; Jer. 38:1–28; Matt. 5:10–16; 2 Tim. 3:1–13