Colossians 2:2–5 ‘My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love…’ (v2)
When we’ve been part of a church for a length of time, we often will have encountered conflict within it.
We may hear heartrending stories of people deeply hurt by leaders who seemed to be on a power trip, or those betrayed by a close friend in church, or the disappointment and ache when the leadership group adopts a theological stance that is at odds with one’s own understanding.
These stories lead us to figuratively rend our clothing as we weep at how these conflicts distract the church from its true mission of sharing the good news of Jesus.
Though Paul was distressed at the way the church at Colossae was following the false teachers, he didn’t beat them over the brow or inflict pain and shame on them.
Instead, as we see in the passage we’re reading today, he calls them to unity and ‘the full riches of complete understanding’ that comes through Christ (v2).
As they seek Christ, He will reveal to them ‘the treasures of wisdom and knowledge’ (v3) so that the false teachers won’t deceive them (v4).
Christ’s wisdom given to His people will draw them together in love as they seek to encourage each other. Although Paul was far from them physically, yet he gives them encouragement that has lasted for centuries.
We can heed his example as we pray for those a long way away from us, that they would be united in love as they dig into God’s treasure chest of wisdom. God’s Spirit is not bound by geography, a truth that brings comfort.

A Prayer To Make:
‘Lord, will they know we are Christians by our love? I pray so. Please through Your Spirit working within, heal divisions and bring Your love. Amen.’
An Action To Take:
Write a note to someone in your church or your community to build them up and encourage them in their faith in Jesus.
Scripture To Consider:
Ps. 133:1–3; Isa. 64:5–6; 1 Cor. 12:12–13; Eph. 4:1–6