1 Kings 3:1–9 ‘Give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.’ (v9)
Dallas Willard, a renowned philosopher and writer on spiritual formation, was known for his humility and gentleness, and for being not only very smart but deeply wise.
He once told a friend that he had asked God to give him sentences and phrases that would convey meaning memorably, such as his definition of joy: ‘a pervasive and constant unending sense of wellbeing’.
He considered these words to be in the public domain, for if they were true and good, they were of God and a gift for everyone.
He was a modern-day example of one who sought and received wisdom from God. An ancient example of a wisdom seeker is King Solomon.
When in a dream God asked him what he would like, he asked for wisdom. He could have requested wealth or power, but instead he sought ‘a discerning heart’ to govern God’s people (v9).
And the Lord, delighted by his humility and petition, gave him not only wisdom but wealth, influence and honour. God promised that if Solomon continued to obey Him, he would have a long life (v14).
We too can actively seek God’s wisdom, including through reading and pondering the Bible. God has given us His Word for our instruction and growth.
Also, we can seek and then heed the nudges of His Spirit, responding in whatever way He leads. We will then experience transformation and grace.
We can trust in our wise God; He who is the fount of all goodness and wisdom will lead us and change us more into His likeness.

A Prayer To Make:
‘Lord Jesus Christ, You are Wisdom personified. May Your presence in my life shape and mould me, for Your glory. Amen.’
An Action To Take:
Seek to embrace God’s wisdom by humbling yourself before Him, declaring His attributes and acknowledging how you are His created being.
Scripture To Consider:
Prov. 3:13–18; Eccles. 7:11–12; Luke 21:12–19; Jas 1:5–8