Oh, gracious heavenly Father, You have showered us with Your boundless love. Even in the face of certain doom, You have come to our rescue. Your children witness the wonders you perform.
When Jesus taught us to pray, “Our Father,” it held deep meaning. For You are our provider, our saviour, and our constant companion. When others fail to appear, You are always there. In your radiant light, death and the grave lose their power.
We seek solace in the embrace of our living God, receiving grace we don’t deserve, poured upon us. Not because of our worthiness or goodness, but solely because You, our Father, are eternally good.
In times of seeming loss, You have preserved us, and You continue to shield us from being lost. The forces that seek to destroy us, You render impotent, Though the world and its evils may claim our earthly possessions, they can never touch the eternal home You prepared for us—Yourself.
You have given us the greatest gift—Yourself, promising us a dwelling place within Your presence. With Your promises as our anchor, we find courage and hope. For You are the embodiment of truth, unwavering and steadfast. And as a faithful Father, You keep every promise.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt, we have witnessed Your faithfulness. Your love expels anxiety and misery from our hearts. When tears cloud our vision and uncertainty looms, we find hope in You, and despair fades away.
For You are the same yesterday, today, and forever, And You have assured us, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”