John 15:14–17 ‘…so that you may go and bear fruit – fruit that will last – and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.’ (v16b)
The words in verse 16 of our passage for today are some of the most extraordinary words in the whole of the New Testament!
They are abused by many who think they offer carte blanche to claim whatever we like. The key phrase to note is ‘in my name’.
A son may be given access to his dad’s business account to transact family business. As long as it’s ‘in the name of the business’ he can draw on the account with the dad’s approval.
It’s not for frivolous spending or personal whims, but to ensure that Dad’s work is profitable.
The disciple of Jesus is given access to the riches of heaven. Through prayer we can draw upon the account and see God’s kingdom grow.
There is no formula for seeing prayers answered and knowing what is ‘in His name’ and what isn’t. Many have thought: ‘God is bound to do that’ only to be disappointed.
This is not a magical incantation but a confidence that Jesus is able to intervene into our world. He may have a bigger and higher purpose in not granting what we ask, or may be delaying for maximum benefit!
But these disciples were about to lose their Master and would recall these words as they faced seemingly insurmountable problems.
You too can take comfort that, whatever you face, Jesus is able. Are you prepared to trust Him to work things out?

A Prayer To Make:
‘Thank You, Lord, that You involve me in Your work and that my requests matter to You Amen.’
An Action To Take:
What is it that you need to ask God for today?
Scripture To Consider:
2 Chr. 7:11–22; Isa. 64:1–12; Luke 11:5–13; Jas 1:2–7