2 Corinthians 1:8–11 ‘We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself.’ (v8)
The second letter to the Corinthians is one of Paul’s most personal letters. He will later outline why the church could trust him as an apostle.
But at the very start he shares how tough he has found Christian ministry and says that he and his companions were overwhelmed and despaired of life itself.
One commentary puts it like this: ‘We were weighed down beyond what is credible, even beyond what any natural strength could support.’*
Remember this is the same apostle who encourages us to ‘rejoice always, and give thanks in all circumstances’.
But here he admits that there are times when it would seem he doesn’t want to keep going. Life can sometimes be very, very tough.
At such times we might feel that we are letting the side down by not being able to be as cheery as we would like.
I have a friend who had a severe period of burnout who now takes an anti- depressant every day. He is still trusting in God and believes in God’s provision through medication.
Don’t be fooled by some Christian groups who claim that any mental health issue as a result of a lack of faith.
Of course, in some cases it may be that an individual could use some faith building, but we think nothing of using medical assistance for an injury to a limb and so needn’t worry if we need medication for an issue connected to our mind.
If you are under pressure today, it’s OK. God’s people always have been and you will come through it.

A Prayer To Make:
‘Lord, help me to lean on the knowledge of Your faithfulness, even when I struggle to see it. Amen.’
An Action To Take:
Is your soul downcast?
Scripture To Consider:
1 Kgs 19:1–8; Ps. 42:1–11; Matt. 11:28–30; Mark 14:34–36