Psalm 139:16–18 ‘All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.’ (v16b)
Some Christians use a plan for reading through the Scriptures in a year (the New Testament and Psalms twice and the Old Testament once).
This method was devised by the Scottish pastor Robert Murray McCheyne, who ministered largely in Dundee, Scotland.
A glance at his biography will tell you that although this method is his most famed contribution to many Christians lives, he wrote sixteen other publications and five hymns. But the biography will also tell you that he died at the tender age of 31.
No doubt there will be people you know of whose passing might have seemed premature. But the psalmist is clear that all the days ordained for us are in God’s book before one of them came to be (v16).
This is a time for resting in God’s sovereignty, knowing that time allotted down here, whether nine years or ninety-nine, will be a fraction of eternity.
Our times are in God’s hands, and though we may be puzzled that some seem to be allotted more time than others, our job is to live each day that God gives us for His glory and leave the length of our lives whether short or long to Him.
And, if we are able to take up McCheyne’s approach to reading the Bible, so much the better!

A Prayer To Make:
‘I am looking forward to life forever with You, but for now I entrust each day to You. Amen.’
An Action To Take:
Abandon any assumptions about how long or short your life will be, and live every day with Jesus!
Scripture To Consider:
2 Kgs 20:1–11; Eccles. 3:1–14; John 12:20–36 & 21:20–25