Photo by Tahir Shaw

Ephesians 1:3–23 ‘[God] has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.’ (v3)

This chapter is full of excitement and promise. We are spiritually blessed by God! It is through His ‘pleasure and will’ (v5) that we are adopted into His family.

We have ‘redemption through his blood’ (v7) and all this is ‘lavished on us’ (v8) by our generous and loving heavenly Father.

This is all for the glory of God; we have the security of being ‘marked… with a seal’ which is the Spirit (v13), who guarantees our holy inheritance.

If we are ever feeling sad, doubting or discouraged, this is a passage that should lift our spirits. It promises us not just a glorious future with Jesus, but also the blessing of hope in this life.


In verse 18 Paul tells the Ephesians that he is praying that their hearts might be ‘enlightened’ so that they may know this hope, the ‘riches of his glorious inheritance’!

How amazing it is to read too that the ‘incomparably great power’ for believers is the same power that was exerted when Jesus Christ was raised from the dead (vv19–20)!

How would our lives be impacted if we really held onto this promise of spiritual blessing in Christ? This promise is for you, and for me, and for all who love Jesus.

Surely if we as believers really held onto that promise, we would see our lives changed: both our inner world and the outworking of it.

It is worth spending time just savouring each verse, and thanking our generous and loving God for the power and blessing that He has lavished on His children.


A Prayer To Make:
‘Lord, how great You are! Help me to understand the power that is available for me, in my life with You, and to share Your love with others. Amen.’

An Action To Take:
Read through this chapter very slowly. Ask God to speak to You, and stop when He highlights a word or thought. Spend time meditating on what He has shown you.

Scripture To Consider:
1 Chron. 16:8–36; Ps. 150:1–6; Rev. 5:9–14 & 7:9–17

Micha Jazz is Director of Resources at Waverley Abbey, UK.