Read Genesis 12:1–5
‘The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”’ (vv1–3)
God’s call to discipleship is not a New Testament phenomenon. God has always called a people to Himself, yet not simply to personally follow, but to participate in His redemptive kingdom plan for humanity.
In our reading today, we hear of Abram, later to be renamed by the Lord, Abraham, being personally called, yet into an international project.
The Lord personally calls Abraham to ‘Go… to the land I will show you’ (v1), with the bigger redemptive picture being that ‘all peoples on earth will be blessed through you’ (v3b). Likewise, our call today is both personal and international.
In Matthew chapter 28, verse 19, we are told to personally ‘go and make disciples of all nations’. Each of us is challenged to respond to God’s call on our lives, whilst always keeping in mind the bigger picture.
It can be easy when speaking about our relationship with God to simply speak in personal terms about ‘my relationship with the Lord’, or ‘my personal walk with Jesus’.
Now, whilst a personal encounter with Christ must always be our starting point, it is always with the view of taking our place in His kingdom project.

‘Lord Jesus, thank You that You call me personally to walk with You. Help me to see how I might play my part in Your bigger purposes. Amen.’

What balance are we giving to our personal daily walk with Jesus and His calling on our lives to take our place in His kingdom plan?

Gen. 26:1–6; Josh. 1:1–9; Matt. 28:19–20; Rev. 11:15–19
Photo by Melvin on Unsplash