As we meet together, let’s develop wonderful unity where each other’s practical and spiritual needs are met and growth is experienced.
Read Acts 2:42–47
‘They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.’ (v42)
Meeting together is one thing, but what should this look like? The question has been the cause of much discussion in churches throughout Church history.
Debates about the décor, the time we meet, and other things, can cause unnecessary heartache and division.
According to Luke, the early meetings were characterised by prayer.
The Bible, perhaps frustratingly for some, gives us very little detail about ‘how’ and ‘when’ we meet. However, in Acts chapter 2, Luke gives us an insight into several characteristics of the Early Church gatherings.
In verse 42 of chapter 2, we see that gathering to hear and discuss Scripture was important, as was meeting with other believers for fellowship. Remembering who they were gathered around was also central, as they broke bread together.
Finally, Luke tells us that these early meetings were also characterised by prayer.
The result of this focus was a church that regularly felt and saw the awesome activity of God (v43), sensed a unity (v44), and regularly helped each other with practical needs (v45).
Gathering to hear and discuss Scripture was important, as was meeting with other believers for fellowship.
Ultimately, this thriving church grew as ‘the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved’ (v47).
As we meet together, whatever the location, whatever time of day it may be, perhaps we too can focus on Scripture, sharing encouraging stories of God’s working, with meetings centred around the life, death, resurrection and return of Jesus, characterised by prayer – and as we do so, let us also expect to see awesome acts of God, developing a wonderful unity, where each other’s practical and spiritual needs are met, and growth is experienced.

‘Lord, thank You that as we gather, You are with us.
Help us as we meet to focus on what matters. Amen.’

What contribution do we make to our gatherings? Do we seek to build up
and encourage? Think about how you might do this within the context
the Lord has placed you.

Neh. 8:1–18; Isa. 58:1–14; Acts 14:21–28; Rev. 3:7–22
Photo by Pedro Lima on Unsplash