Two worshippers were killed when gunmen stormed into a church in Kogi State, Nigeria on Sunday 16 October.
Three others were wounded and are receiving treatment at a local medical centre.
“Kogi is no longer safe,” said a witness who hid as the attack began.

Kogi State lies in Nigeria’s Middle Belt, where Christians are frequently subject to Islamist attack and kidnappings.
In June 2022 the Archbishop of Kaduna Diocese, also in the Middle Belt, the Most Reverend Matthew Man-Oso Ndagoso, called on the government to do more to protect vulnerable communities from attack.
“In our country, death has become a daily meal,” he said as he addressed the funeral of Pastor Vitus Borogo, 50, who was killed as he worked on his farm in Kaduna State.
In September 2021 one man was killed in an attack on a church in Okedayo, Kogi State. Gunmen abducted the pastor and two of the congregation.
Pray for the families of the two worshippers killed in this latest attack. Ask for physical healing for the wounded and for spiritual comfort for them and others in the congregation traumatised by the terrible events that unfolded before their eyes. Pray that attacks in the Middle Belt will cease.
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This article originally appeared on Barnabas Fund/News