“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
We are not to be a Sunday community. We are meant to be dynamic! Our worship was never meant to be dull and boring.
Our church life can be lively and so much fun. We can be magnetic if our spirituality is shaped by Word, Music and Worship.
God’s Word is the wisdom to live by. You don’t just read or listen to God’s word. You live by it. Our hearts need to be filled with God’s Word and this overflow of spiritual wisdom must influence our work and worship.
Fellowship is what we are called into. You and I come together for a reason. Jesus is our shared identity. We must share stories about how he lives in us through music and song.
Our music could be either be solemn or high decibel. Either way, our Word-centred fellowship must abound with spirit-filled music and song. Our songs must train us in godliness and spur us for good works.
Worship is what we are created for. It is worship that helps us find meaning and purpose. Jesus is working in and through us so our worship must be filled with praise and thanksgiving to God.
Word, Music and spiritual Worship can make us magnetic!
Questions for further reflection
1) How can I contribute and make Church-life dynamic?
2) Am I a story-keeper? Do I share stories of what Jesus is doing in and through me at Church?
3) What stops my Church community from being what it is called to be - magnetic?
Photo by Dr Josiah Sarpong on Unsplash