Galatians 6:7–10 ‘Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.’ (vv9–10)
We often long to step into our tearless eternity (Rev. 21:4), but this unrealised future removes us from our present. What’s more, God is always present with us in the now, wherever we are. Whilst we can’t imagine trouble away, we can imagine just how our God of grace and truth (John 1:14) can be found in the everyday.
God’s presence in the world relates to how we perceive our life. We are a point of presence, a network interface between God and His creation. We work to ensure we leave a ‘Godprint’ larger than our footprint. Such a ‘Godprint’ deposits God’s presence for the benefit of all, our stone of remembrance, a presence inviting people to take hold of their own destiny and invest it in creative ways to enrich their social space.
We should be invested in training people to increase the size and impact of their ‘Godprint’ in the world. Counsellors and chaplains are in short supply and yet the scale of the need across society is immense.
If the Church is the space the Spirit creates in which people can find hope and restoration when struggling with life, we are the points of presence through whom the grace of God is expressed in a variety of ways. Hospitality and welcome affords an opportunity for people from all backgrounds to connect and enjoy the specialised skills they need first to support them and then to enable them to realise their fullest potential on earth.

Ps. 119:1–24; Isa. 25:1–8; Matt. 5:13–16; 1 Pet. 2:11–17

What size ‘Godprint’ do you intend to leave?
It may be that you are uncertain of how to make the best contribution.

‘Lord, I want to leave a “Godprint” larger than my footprint.
Lead me to where I can make the greatest difference for You. Amen.’
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