Some Christian leaders neglect writing, suggesting that it is not culturally inherent. The practice of writing is very much a part of many South Asian cultures. Even if it is not culturally inherent, many of us are schooled with the basic skills of writing. However, we either fail to see writing as a ministry or neglect the discipline to write. Considering this reality, this short article draws out five reasons why church leaders should write.
Writing as a ministry
Many of us, church leaders, neglect writing because we are preoccupied with many things – broadly conceived as ministry/mission work. We are engaged in preaching the Word of God, meeting elders/deacons/board members, or providing pastoral care. We tend to say that we are busy. Using that as an excuse, we do not write or fail to see writing as a ministry. However, the writers of the Bible understood the significance of writing (e.g., Paul). We only need a slight shift in thinking to begin the practice of writing. If you are unsure of how to start, you can begin with what you are already practising and preaching.
Document what you say (and do)
You can start by writing a full manuscript of your sermons. Your well-crafted sermons heard by only a handful of people can be heard-read again if it is documented. Though there are churches that record (audio-video) sermons, many are yet to have that kind of facility. As you document your sermons, they could be published on a blog, displayed on a church bulletin, printed in Christian magazines, or on other such platforms. These documents can be used for future reference – both to influence people and to sharpen one’s thinking.
Influence people
The influence of written documents has present and continued elements in it. It can influence the present generation and the future generation as well. You can learn from the experience and knowledge of those who have gone ahead of us – and in some cases, help us avoid the mistakes they made. For example, there was a young writer who would only write about the things that interests her. Her concern was not to influence people but to sharpen her writing skills and find her voice as a writer. But after she started to receive feedback from her readers, she changed her approach to writing. She now writes about issues and concerns that gathers the need of the readers. This change of thinking came with the realization that her writings influenced them at different levels.
Strengthen your work
It is one thing to say or do something, but quite another to begin thinking about what you say and do. Writing about what you are saying and doing can strengthen your work or your thought process. For example, though I have been engaging in online learning for some years, it is only in the recent past that I began thinking (writing) about my thinking process. This means asking questions (writing) about misconceptions, challenges, advantages, and disadvantages of online learning or the relevance of online learning in the South Asian context. This thought process did not only strengthen my theoretical foundations but also empowered me to help others in the areas of online learning/theological education.
Connect with people (globally)
What you are saying and doing likely has something to say to the larger community of faith. The way you are dealing with a certain cultural-contextual concern may be of huge help to someone who is wrestling with the same issue/concern in another context. As you write on a given issue, it would allow you to connect (influence) with people across the globe. Writing would allow you to share your expertise and experience with different groups of people – even beyond your geographical location.
We should write as it can make an impact on someone. Initially, it may not come naturally. But it is a skill that can be cultivated. It may require a shift in thinking and the discipline to write a few words or sentences every day (or some days in a week).
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash