Titus 3:1–8 ‘Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle towards everyone.’ (vv1–2)
Anne Frank wrote, ‘In the long run, the sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit.’ She died of typhus at age 15 in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, weeks before its liberation. In a world of unimaginable hatred and violence, she recorded her hope and despair from 1942–44 whilst hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam. She also discovered the power of love, gentleness and kindness. Her diary encourages us to choose carefully our values, refusing to live by those born of experience or imposed on us.
Scripture declares that the choices we make towards others are one measure of the footprint we leave behind us. We may never know the impact of our gentleness and humility.
The Christian community often creates its narrative by criticising the opinions of others, even defining itself by what it’s against. This increases hostility, builds defences and generates more heat than light (John 8:12). Here Jesus encourages us to become transparent so that the light of His love might radiate from our daily lives. It can prove ambitious to walk humbly with God when antagonised or seemingly facing increased difficulties from obedience.
However, as John the Baptist declared, life is not about me, but always about Jesus (John 3:30). The ego takes a lot of management and hates giving ground, even to God. Yet our goal remains to live like Jesus every day, to live as Scripture instructs, not according to how we might think circumstances demand, or allow!

Ps. 74:1–12; Isa. 2:1–5; John 1:16–21; Eph. 4:17–32

Anne knew nothing of the influence her short life would have. Find the confidence to live God’s way in God’s world.

‘Lord, help me to live content with You and not serve the impulses of my ego. Amen.’