Hebrews 5:11–14 ‘In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness.’ (vv12–13)
Ageing affords us a far larger set of data to reflect on. This can prove disappointing as we discover just how little progress we’ve made on the discipleship path. Reflection is a healthy practice, and when we look through Jesus’ eyes we can learn much about ourselves.
As I consider past situations, I don’t always enjoy marking my own homework. I’m grateful God’s forgiveness is always available. As we pursue Christian maturity, we need to navigate our way through many distractions that can so easily hijack our desire to follow God faithfully. They certainly delay us, even when they don’t derail us.
Such distractions often appear as if they are useful contributors to our efforts to grow in Christian maturity. Most often they are in fact no more than opportunities to express ourselves in ways that massage the ego. I’ve visited many such massage parlours on my walk of faith.
Wrapping them in the language of mission and Christian endeavour, we too often fail to acknowledge that beneath the paper there was nothing but an empty box; no gift to lay before God. In fact, the only gift God requires is humble obedience to follow Him and daily discover how we might practically live like Jesus.
There is nothing we can do to improve our standing with God. He loves our fractured self, and we cannot add one dab of polish to brighten that reality through our well-intentioned service. Our responsibility is obedience in living the Christ-centred life revealed through Scripture.

2 Chron. 7:11–22; Mic. 6:6–8; Jas. 4:1–12; 1 Pet. 5:5–11

Do you take time to reflect on your walk of faith? If you struggle to prove
your value to God, stop and remember God’s love for you as you are is immeasurable.

‘Lord, help me to concentrate on living a life of simple obedience through Your Word. Amen.’
Photo by chester wade on Unsplash