Read 1 Samuel 3: 1–20
1) What is this passage about?
2) Who are the characters mentioned in the passage? What do we know about them?
3) Hannah, Samuel’s mother, was devout (I Samuel 1:10-11, 15-16;) and had a depth of spiritual insight (2 Samuel 2:1–11). She weaned Samuel (I Samuel 1:23) and later brought him to the temple. She dedicated him to the Lord’s service (I Samuel 1: 24, 27–28). She visited him during the annual sacrifice and brought him a new robe yearly (I Samuel 2:19).
Do you agree that Hannah played a significant role in influencing Samuel to ‘minister before the Lord’ (I Samuel 3:1)and grow in the presence of the Lord (I Samuel 2:21b). What are the contemporary stories of mothers influencing faith in their children? In what ways can mothers influence their children to be sensitive to spiritual experiences?
4) Samuel’s spiritual development is contrasted with the moral degradation of Eli’s sons. Their failure as sons was due to Eli’s failure as a father. Would you agree with this? What do you think is the father’s role in children’s spiritual development?
5) The boy ministered before the Lord under Eli (I Samuel 3:1). It was Eli who recognised that the Lord was calling Samuel (I Samuel 3:8b) and guided the boy Samuel to respond to God (I Samuel 3:9). What do you think was Eli’s role in nurturing Samuel in the faith?
What do you think is the role pastor/adults in the church can play in the spiritual development of children? Why do you think Eli was unable to nurture his own sons but able to help Samuel in his spiritual journey?
6) The Lord spoke to Samuel. Do you think Samuel (who was a boy) understood what God told him? Why? Can children experience and understand their experience with God?
7) Do you agree that children have natural spirituality? Why? What qualifications would you put on this? Think of groups of children you have encountered. What evidence can you offer that children are sensitive or open towards God? What factors in our church/community/family work to damage or deaden this awareness of God?
8) Can you share some spiritual lessons you learnt from the children you journey with?
9) What is God telling us through the passage? What will you do in response to God’s word through this passage?
Bible Study Design
Session – 1: Plenary (10 minutes)
Ask 2 or 3 people to read the passage and invite the group to listen to the reading of the passage. Ask the group to respond to the question.
Q 1) What is this passage about?
Q 2) Who are the characters mentioned in the passage? What do we know about them?
Session – 2: Discussion in Small Groups (20 minutes)
Q 3) Do you agree that Hannah played a significant role in influencing Samuel to ‘minister before the Lord’ (I Samuel 3:1)and grow in the presence of the Lord (I Samuel 2:21b)?
Q 4) What are the contemporary stories of mothers influencing faith in their children? In what ways can mothers influence their children to be sensitive to spiritual experiences?
(Have one person in the group record the discussion and be ready to present it)
Session – 3: Presentation in Groups (15 minutes)
Ask the group/s to present their discussion
Session – 4: Discussion in small groups (15 Minutes)
Q 5) Samuel’s spiritual development is contrasted with the moral degradation of Eli’s sons. Their failure as sons was due to Eli’s failure as a father. Would you agree with this? What do you think is the father’s role in children’s spiritual development?
(Have one person in the group record the discussion and be ready to present it)
Session – 5: Presentation in Groups (15 minutes)
Ask the group/s to present their discussion. Highlight/comment on significant points of view in the discussion. You may ask counter questions to bring alive the discussion between groups.
Session – 6: Discussion in Small groups (15 minutes)
The boy ministered before the Lord under Eli (I Samuel 3:1). It was Eli who recognised that the Lord was calling Samuel (I Samuel 3:8b) and guided the boy Samuel to respond to God (I Samuel 3:9).
Q 6) What do you think was Eli’s role in nurturing Samuel in the faith? What do you think is the role pastor/adults in the church can play in the spiritual development of children? Why do you think Eli was unable to nurture his own sons but able to help Samuel in his spiritual journey?
Session – 7: Presentation in Groups (15 Minutes)
Have the groups present their discussion to the larger group. Highlight/comment on significant points of view in the discussion. You may ask counter questions to bring alive the discussion between groups.
Session – 8: Discussion in Small groups (15 minutes)
Q 7) The Lord spoke to Samuel. Do you think Samuel (who was a boy) understood what God told him? Why? Can children experience and understand their experience with God?
Q 8) Do you agree that children have natural spirituality? Why? What qualifications would you put on this? Think of groups of children you have encountered. What evidence can you offer that children are sensitive or open towards God? What factors in our church/community/family work to damage or deaden this awareness of God?
Session – 9: Presentation in Groups (15 Minutes)
Have the groups present their discussion to the larger group. Highlight/comment on significant points of view in the discussion. You may ask counter questions to bring alive the discussion between groups.
Session – 10: Plenary (15 minutes)
Q 9) Can you share some spiritual lessons you learnt from the children you journey with?
Q 10) What is God telling us through the passage? What will you do in response to God’s word through this passage?
Ask the group to share one/two things they have learnt through the study.
Close with prayer:
This is part of Learning In Fellowship Together (LIFT) Bible Study Series. It is best for youth and young professionals.
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash;