2 Samuel 15:19–23 ‘But Ittai replied to the king, “As surely as the LORD lives, and as my lord the king lives, wherever my lord the king may be, whether it means life or death, there will your servant be.”’ (v21)
Absalom’s rebellion begins, but Ittai, a Philistine, chooses to follow David. When questioned why, Ittai responds that he’ll follow the king regardless of the cost, even if it means death. When the Holy Spirit examines our choices and actions, what will they reveal about our Christian faith? Will we be found to be following a false king like Absalom? This rebel secured the love of David’s subjects by giving them what they wanted (2 Sam. 15:1–6). In return they gave their loyalty so that they could secure the life they craved. Whilst it felt good, it was a false substitute for the life and love of the true king. Being comfortable and successful is no indication of God’s favour.
David flees not from fear, but to ensure the city of God is not devastated by Absalom’s armed uprising (2 Sam: 15:14). We recall how Mary, Joseph and Jesus were also forced to flee from Herod’s sword to protect God’s promise. David fled to the wilderness, whilst they hastened to Egypt. Severe disruption is something none of us relishes, yet what price will we pay for peace, and a false peace at that?
There are times when I must leave my comfort zone to follow Christ faithfully, and ensure that God’s promise is not put to the sword. Paul confidently asserts that nothing can separate us from God’s love (Rom. 8:38–39). How can I learn such confidence so that I, like Ittai, fearlessly follow Jesus through every eventuality of life?
SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: 2 Sam. 18:1–18; Ruth 1:1–18; Matt. 2:13–18; Rom. 8:18–30.
AN ACTION TO TAKE: Be assured only God’s promises are eternity proof. Are there issues that separate you from following God wholeheartedly?
A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, help me always to be prepared to go where You go, and stay where You stay. Amen.’ (Ruth 1:16)
Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash