Mark 8:27–30
‘On the way [Jesus] asked them, “Who do people say I am?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”’ (vv27–29)
One thing is certain: disciples will always carry questions about their faith. Like children discovering a world with its ever-expanding horizons, so in our pursuit of God we will need to seek answers to our many questions.
As children besiege their parents with endless enquiries, so we may cross examine God. All questions are a provocation for our growth, and if we run out of questions we must ask if we’ve lost our way or reduced our faith to a simplistic formula that simply needs repeating regularly.
Every relationship is nurtured through the questions we ask of the other as well as the questions that confront us about our own thoughts and actions provoked by the relationship.
Every question fertilises our interest and understanding of the person, deepening friendship and trust. Our friendship with God is like this.
We have very simple questions at first, and answers are often supplied by those who encourage us at the start of our faith journey.
As we mature and move through spiritual adolescence towards adulthood, the depth and importance of our questions intensify.
How might, and why would we frame all of our life around Jesus’ simple invitation, ‘Come, follow me’ (Matt. 4:19)? We will constantly need to ask ourselves who Jesus is.
Our answer will determine the expression of our daily discipleship and give shape to how we choose to navigate life and choose to make our decisions. Over the next few days we’ll ask ourselves some key questions.
SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Ps. 2; Isa. 55:6–13; Luke 9:1–17; John 3:1–20.
AN ACTION TO TAKE: It may be worth keeping a note of your questions and starting a journal to accompany you on your path of discipleship and keep track of what God says along the way.
A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, I have many questions. May I never grow tired of bringing them to You. Amen.’