Psalm 96:11–13
‘Let all creation rejoice before the LORD, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness.’ (v13)
Life slides by at its own pace. Demanding daily schedules mean we can feel we haven’t time to breathe. The older I get the faster time passes, but I also become more aware of my mortality. My end was always in my beginning; now, with some excitement, I can almost taste that end. I’m acutely aware of my opportunities to live good news in my neighbourhood and with family and colleagues. Scripture reveals a world in harmony with itself, with every element giving praise to God. Indeed, Jesus reminded us that when we won’t praise then the stones will break forth in song (Luke 19:37–40).
God is the creator of all and we know that creation itself groans under the weight of expectation of Christ’s return (Rom. 8:22–23). In the familiarity of the every day it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that Christ is returning. Consequently, we get stuck in the immediate and forget that our lives are invested in a project initiated by the incarnate Christ. When we feel stuck or dispirited, let’s recall that everything around us reflects the source of our life. Walking around the streets or through the woods, we have many reasons to lift our voices in praise of God. This has the power to lift us from our own despondency and also lifts the weight of responsibility from our shoulders. It is God’s vision we serve and God carries the responsibility. We are privileged to briefly participate in that vision of declaring God’s glory with our every breath.
SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Isa. 42:1–9; 55:12–13; Rom. 1:18–32; 2 Tim. 3:10–17.
AN ACTION TO TAKE: Have you considered your life in the light of Christ’s return? What impact does this have on your thinking?
A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, as I look at the wonders of Your creation I choose to sing a song of praise in awe of Your creative wisdom. Amen.’