‘Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?’ (v3) Amos 3:3–6
God can make me feel quite uncomfortable. I am very aware of the many fractures in my life. Scripture speaks of the power of the gospel to transform our lives (Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 5:17).
Transformation means to change from one thing to something completely different, something better.
I find this challenging because I observe that much of my life appears to resist transformation. It looks a lot like it did twenty years ago, with the same misgivings, doubts and obvious flaws in attitude and behaviour. Our growth in God can prove a source of discouragement as well as blessing.
However, like all good friendships, learning to ‘walk together’ is a challenge. There are difficult seasons, yet in persevering we demonstrate the value we place on this friendship. We may fall out, despair of the other person, even entertain unkind thoughts and speak disrespectfully of them to others, but the friendship proves more resilient because ultimately we prize it more highly than the difficulties it creates.
This is equally true of our friendship with God. This week we have compared our friendship with God to a journey. There will be periods of discomfort, disillusion and even despondency. But God knows how we are made (He made us, after all: Gen. 1:26-28) and never tires of us, tantrums and all.
The journey continues for as long as I agree to participate – blisters, sore feet and all!

SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Psa. 51:10–17; 103:1–22; Rom. 7:14–25; Col. 3:1–3.
AN ACTION TO TAKE: We all face a variety of challenges in life. Many of these reach deep into our understanding of ourselves. Let’s agree to walk in step with Jesus and deepen our friendship with God.
A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, You are my shepherd, You refresh and guide me on life’s path. May I keep my eyes fixed on You. Amen.’
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