‘But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves.’ (v14) Luke 21:8–19
Besieged by 24/7 news and views, being selective is difficult. There’s a thin line between balanced information and feeling overwhelmed. We need some news to fuel our prayers, yet too much and we risk elevated stress levels, disturbed sleep patterns and increased anxiety.
Jesus says that life happens around us and that we’re not to worry. We may ourselves be impacted by the worrying news stories, such as on those still recovering from long Covid, yet we have in Jesus sufficient resources to manage how this affects our state of mind.

Whilst agencies responsibly scramble to devise approaches and solutions to the impact life exerts on all of us, the Bible dares to suggest that all we need to confound those forces that besiege us, both real and imagined, is God’s Word. Standing firm, for me, is a decision of the will. There are rhythms I have developed that help me manage the impact of worry, both in the present and about the future.
My morning prayer and silent contemplation are permanent fixtures. My refusal to engage with news apart from headlines on my phone, and never after 6:00 pm, is my choice in helping manage my news diet. This remains a huge subject, but again boils down to the nature of my encounter with God, directly and in fellowship with others, and consequently how I structure my daily life.

RELATED SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Psa. 23; Prov. 10:11–32; 1 Cor. 15:42–58; 1 Pet. 5:6–10.
AN ACTION TO TAKE: Ask yourself the degree and the ways in which 24/7 news impacts your life. How does this influence your perspective upon God’s Word and God’s promise?
A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, in times of difficulty may I first acknowledge my concerns and then look to Your Word for encouragement. Amen.’
Photo by Kat Jayne on Pexels | Photo by Tetbirt Salim on Unsplash