‘For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.’ (v12) Hebrews 4:12–16
The Bible is unique. Unlike any other book, its words do not create a momentary impact but have the capacity to bring about lasting change within us. It is how God speaks and develops each of us.
God’s Word, like a seed, takes root within us and germinates, with the potential for producing a fruitful harvest in our lives. The reason we follow Jesus and read God’s Word is so we can become fruitful, and, working with others, serve our communities through the church.

It is only by reading God’s Word and being convicted by God’s Spirit that I have considered and then made major changes to my life, at both the moral and practical level. Scripture acts like yeast. It brings life to all who consume it.
Dough remains inert and powerless until yeast initiates the fermentation process. The Word is our staple diet and enables us first to come alive and then grow up into maturity in Christ.

RELATED SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Isa. 55:8–11; Matt. 13:1–23; Acts 2:37–41; Eph. 5:15–20.
AN ACTION TO TAKE: As you open your Bible, invite God’s Spirit to enjoy the freedom to convict you of those parts of your life which God wants to change.
A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, please release the yeast of Your Spirit to invigorate the dough that is my mortal life. Amen.’
Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash
Image by katsuwow from Pixabay