
O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Psalm 8:1a

The name of God is majestic; both beautiful and powerful. It commands our admiration, and while this is easily said, it’s not always evident in our lived experience. God’s majesty must be found. No wonder the Magi chose an arduous journey in search of the promised Messiah, the majesty of God. It’s only by panning through much river dirt that one can find a gold nugget.

I often feel as though I’m living something of a ‘rubbish’ life. It’s a powerful lie. I make critical assumptions born of observations and comparisons. Yet I can never know what anyone else is experiencing. Often my assumption is no more than a projection of my own dissatisfaction with my lot in life. During such unhealthy introspection I distract myself by enjoying the beauty of creation, itself a testimony to God’s majesty.

Moving to St Cuthbert’s Oratory some years ago we inherited a garden. Neither Jayne, my wife, nor I were gardeners. We both confessed to panicking on the eve of our move, fearing we would never manage the gardening.

Over the years we’ve worked hard creating a contemplative Godspace, which many come to and enjoy on quiet days and retreats. For each of us, it’s a place of grounding. When life begins to overwhelm me I walk the garden and deliberately commit to calming myself.

Simply by observing the plants and trees I contemplate the wonder that is God at work in life. Plants can take no responsibility for their own growth or survival yet God ensures that what is barren today will flourish in due season.

The majesty of God is revealed in the order of the seasons. Barrenness precedes fruitfulness. How often have we been tempted to remove a plant that looks all but expired only to marvel at its revival under God’s timely care.

Something to Consider: Where do you find the majesty of God in your life?

An Action to Take: Visit or recall a natural landscape and consider the permanence and grandeur of our eternal God.

A Prayer to Make: ‘Lord, I will look at your creation and it will instruct me. For the life of every living thing is in Your hand, and the breath of every human being.’ Job 12:20

Photo by Alasdair Elmes on Unsplash

Used with Permission

Micha Jazz is Director of Resources at Waverley Abbey, UK.